New Delhi. Ex Prime Minister and great economist Dr. Manmohan Singh passed on at Delhi's AIIMS hospital on Thursday night at 9.51. He was 92. In a proclamation, the hospital said the Congress veteran leader was being treated for age-related ailments and had "unexpected loss of cognizance at home. In spite of all endeavors, he was unable to be resuscitated and was proclaimed dead at 9.51pm," the assertion said.
Manmohan Singh was Prime MInister of India for two terms in the Congress-drove Joined Moderate Union government from 2004 to 2014. He had been in chronic frailty throughout the previous few months.
Prime MInister of India Narendra Modi recalled his ancestor as the "most recognized pioneers". Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said he "lost a tutor and guide". Indian government announced seven days morns in the memory of Dr. Singh.
Different pioneers across partisan loyalties additionally offered their recognitions for the previous top state leader.