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Nominee in Demat account and last chance for base update in free

New Delhi. This month means you have to deal with many important tasks? If you have a Demat account and have not yet added a nominee to it, do it by 31 December? If you do not do this, the cooked account may freeze? Apart from this, the deadline to update the base for free is also coming to an end this month?

The Security Exchange Board of India has given up to 31 December to add nominees from the demat account and mutual fund account? If you have not yet added a nominee to the demat account, then do not get it up to the new deadline, otherwise your account may freeze? That is, the account will not be closed, but you will not be able to withdraw any amount from it? Apart from this, the Reserve Bank of India has asked all banks to sign a new bank locker agreement to their customers? The bank has to complete this work by 31 December 2023? If you too have a bank locker in any branch, then go there and sign your new bank locker agreement? Otherwise you may have trouble later?

Also, the Unique Identification Authority of India has given time till 14 December to update the base for free? After this, charge has to be given to update the base?

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