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Lowest unemployment in Gujarat and Delhi

New Delhi. Himachal Pradesh was at the forefront of urban areas with an unemployment rate of 33.9 percent among the age group of 15 to 29 in the second quarter of the current financial year, while unemployment of 30.2 percent Rajasthan finished second? This fact is revealed by the Labor Survey (PLFS) data for the July – September, 2023 quarter of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)? 

It also showed that the unemployment rate among women aged 15-29 in urban areas was highest in Himachal Pradesh with 49.2 percent in the last quarter while Puru Shh The unemployment rate was 25.3 percent? In the case of Rajasthan, the unemployment rate among women in cities was 39.4 percent in this quarter, while it was 27.2 percent among Puru Shx? The unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed people in the labor force? Even in Jammu and Kashmir, high rates of unemployment in this age group were recorded at 29.8 percent in urban areas? Unemployment among women was 51.8 percent during this quarter while unemployment rate among Puru Sh was 19.8 percent?

The data shows that according to the current weekly situation, the total unemployment in the age group of 15-29 in cities in the country was 17.3 percent? The activity status in the seven days preceding the survey is called the current weekly status (CWS)?

The data shows that in July-September quarter 2023, total unemployment in the 15-29 age group in the country's cities was 22.9 percent, compared to 15.5 percent among women?

According to the survey conducted in 22 states of the country, The lowest unemployment rate among youth in the age group of 15-29 percent in the quarter was 7.1 percent in Gujarat and then it was 8.4 percent in Delhi? NSSO conducted a labor force survey on a first quarter basis in April 2017? It is released every quarter?

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