Hyderabad. The Foundation for Democratic Reforms (FDR) - India's leading think-tank and research hub for vital governance reforms, orchestrated its campaign titled 'The Inevitable' at Ramanaidu Studios, Film Nagar, on Thursday. This initiative aims to raise awareness and sensitize the public about the repercussions of the Old Pension Scheme. Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, former civil servant and MLA, currently serving as the General Secretary of FDR, led the session. The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries – Shri Anjaneya Reddy, Former DGP, Shri Vijayendra Prasad, Member of Rajya Sabha, and Shri Tammareddy Bharadwaja, noted Film Director.
During the launch, three short films were screened, depicting the inherent dangers of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the nation's financial stability. These films emphasized the strain on the current and future taxpayers and the looming fiscal disaster affecting lives of future generations. Delving deeply into the subject, the campaign seeks to raise awareness about the detrimental impact of OPS on citizens, urging them to grasp the implications before the voting season. The primary goal of the campaign is to secure widespread support against OPS by encouraging people to vote on www.refuseops.in.
During the session, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan shed light on the current fiscal position of governments, the impact of OPS and the need to encourage citizens to cast their votes to oppose OPS. Highlighting the need for awareness, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayana, General Secretary of Foundation for Democratic Reforms said, “We aspire for individuals to make informed decisions before casting their votes, especially in the context of issues like the Old Pension Scheme. It is crucial to align ourselves with practical solutions that prevent huge and unsustainable burden on taxpayers. This can be achieved by mandating contributions from both employees and employers during their active service.”